Tacoma Family Photographer | Hello Friends & Hello Fall! This is my most favorite time of year! Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, Pumpkin Patch, Pumpkin Carving… Pumpkin Everything! Its the time of year when you get to wear your most comfortable sweaters, scarves & boots, for the first time of the season! Other than sniffly noses, there isn’t a thing that I don’t love about Fall!

Hello Fall | Tacoma Family Photographer
Fall is also a time for Fall Minis! Everyone loves Fall Minis! A quick and simple photo shoot for updated family photos, Christmas cards and profile pictures! They are fun, easy, and quick! And we all can appreciate the quickness of family photos! Am I right??
I recently posted a online flier announcing that Fall Mini Session details would be coming soon! I was excited! I even received quite a few messages and emails from families who wanted to be the first to know! I even thought, “wow, I won’t even need to advertise for them this year!” I started planning on the best locations and times for the perfect Mini Session Marathon!
Then, also that week, I retired from my career of 15 years! For the past 15 years, I have loved every ounce of my job. I was proud to say, “I am an Air Traffic Controller” when people asked me who I was or what I did. Did you catch that? I said, WHO I WAS. I identified myself as an Air Traffic Controller, before I identified myself as anything else. And, this is the truth. I know I am not alone in identifying myself with my career. But, with retiring, as emotionally prepared as I was to say goodbye to Kaethe, the Air Traffic Controller, turns out, I wasn’t.
Turning in my initials was like handing over myself. So strange. In the military I was “JO.” Or, Juliet Oscar. It made sense. My name is KaetheJo, and having to pick two letters, JO just worked perfectly. I took those initials with me through out training, getting married, going to Iraq and then having my first baby girl. After discharging from the military, it wasn’t long before I continued my career as an Air Traffic Controller, this time, on the civilian side of it. When it came to selecting initials, mine we already taken. By a guy without any sort of Jo or Joe in his name I might add. I struggled with finding a good set of initials, but when I finally came up with them, they were perfect. I started my 11 year FAA career with my new initials, “XO.” (Xray Oscar) These initials stayed with me throughout the birth of three more baby girls, training at three separate facilities, and check outs in each of those places. “XO” was who I was. And I loved it!
When I signed them over on my last day, my heart kind of shattered. I’ll never say “XO” again… well, I might. I have done this while ending conversations while talking to my husband or after scheduling a doctors appointment. So, I very well may say them again… but definitely not in the way they were designed for. They identify who is on the landline or shout line, for coordination regarding aircraft movement, or airspace, or anything to do with the world that is Air Traffic Control.
As I handed over my badge, I knew that the planes would be worked, just as they had before, even without me. It was bittersweet. But, I wasn’t prepared for the emotions that would take over me. I said my goodbyes, turned in my locker, went on a field trip one last time, enjoyed lunch with my friend (and the guy who trained me when I first arrived at Seattle Center), and when the time came, I walked to my car, drove out of the gates…
Once I got home, sheer chaos greeted me at the door. The baby was sick and had green snot running down her face. She also had a rather full diaper. My other three girls were allowed to SPRINT into the living room and do FRONT HAND SPRINGS (in the direction of an end table and large windows) while hanging out with the baby sitter… and I so badly wanted to say “NO! I don’t think so!” … but they were so excited for me to see their progress. So, with a feverish baby in my arms, screaming for a new diaper, I watched each of them run from the foyer to the living room and slam their feet into the floor with a back shattering THUD. Next, I packed up the van and rushed my oldest two to gymnastics. All the while, I just wanted a moment. Just a quiet moment. Maybe a beverage and a bath even. Ya. That would have been fantastic…
Anyhow, I am typing out this blog to announce that I am taking a break. After staying up all night with sick kiddos and trying to find non-rainy days in the calendar as well as non-saturated locations… as well as trying to figure out this new chapter of life… I just realized that I need to push back from as much extra work as possible, and focus on the here and now. Meaning, my family, our health and our strength.
Taking a break is exactly what we need, what I need… so, for the remainder of this year, I will not be offering Mini Sessions or Christmas Decorating Sessions. If you have a birth on the calendar, don’t fret, its all good. I just will not be offering any extra sessions. I WILL have a Cyber Monday Special and I am looking forward to sharing that with you when the time comes! And, I have quite a few births and family sessions to share with you and will be working diligently to get those blogged and shared!
Thank you for your continued support! It means the world to me! I am STILL booking Birth Photography sessions in the Winter and Spring of next year! I have limited spaces, so please, contact me ASAP so we can get your Birth on the calendar! Thanks again friends! I love you!! <3
Oh, and because no blog is complete without cute photos, check out my sweet girl, in our family garden pumpkin patch!

Happy Pumpkins | Tacoma Family Photographer

Pumpkins & Cheese | Tacoma Family Photographer
Tacoma Birth Photography & Tacoma Family Photography! Are you looking for a Birth Photographer or Family Photographer in the Tacoma, Seattle, Auburn and surrounding areas? KaetheJo Binder Photography offers Birth Photography and Family Lifestyle Storytelling Sessions both in-home and on location in Tacoma Washington and surrounding cities. For more information please click the contact tab above or email me at hello@tacomabirthphotographer.com! I look forward to documenting YOUR Birth & Family Story!
www.tacomabirthphotographer.com | www.kaethejo.com | www.tacomafamilyphotographer.com
Sharilyn Tokumi - Hi Kaethe! LOVE your blog! Love your website…beautiful work! ?
Kaethe - Oh thank you Sharilyn!!! <3