Tacoma Family Photographer | My husband and I got the crazy idea to do some spring cleaning today after taking our oldest daughters to school this morning. And, we got some serious cleaning done. I am rather shocked and proud of all that we accomplished today. Especially considering that we had two little terrorists un-doing a lot of our work. My youngest LOVES to take everything out of drawers and throw it all over the room in a celebratory fashion! And, even with those celebrations sprinkled in here and there, we still got a lot done!
After about 3 hours of non-stop cleaning, we decided it was time for a lunch break. Oh. I should mention that the littlest one did sneak into our shower and dumped a whole cup of water on herself and squirted and smeared shampoo all over the place (in a timespan of about 1 minute while I was using the restroom)… So I had just changed her into a clean (white) top and pants. Surprisingly, while we were eating lunch, the littlest one decided to wear most of it. But, no big deal… we were already in a cleaning routine! So, we got her cleaned up and put her down for a nap…
It was at this moment that I realized that she (the littlest one) turned off the wash machine mid wash… Thanks Kaelin. So, after I transferred the freshly dried batch of laundry from the dryer to my bedroom and restarted the load in the wash… I wasn’t sure if I wanted to fold laundry, collapse or maybe work on some cake smash photos. I chose the latter. It was at this exact moment, Gracie, the 3 year old, came running into my room! She slammed my door and ran up to me at my desk, out of breath, with an urgent message. “BEARS! They are going to eat us!” Well then, this was serious!
I asked her what we should do… And she thought it would be best to hide. So, we hid. She ducked under my desk and I hid alongside the bed. I could hear the bears. They were definitely hungry and they were going to break down our door if it was the last thing they did. We whispered back and forth about what we should do… After hiding for a good two whole minutes, Gracie decided that we should open the door and “cut them and eat them.” So, I mustard up all the braveness I could, and we approached the door together, tip-toeing quietly. I hid her behind me and then opened the door! And, there they were! At least 7 bears! So, we used all of the ninja like moves we knew…and not only did we successfully pulverize them with our mad warrior skills… we ALSO ate them up! We are talking BIG, MONSTROUS, LOUD bites…and we ate all of them! Every last one of them.
By this time, dude, I am exhausted. But, as it turns out, there were more bears… downstairs…
So, even though I was full of bear meat, more bears NEEDED to be eaten. And we HAD to save daddy…
Luckily for him, we saved him just in the nick of time. But, thats when things turned south. Turned out, daddy got bit by an infectious bear and he was becoming one right before our eyes! Talk about horrifying! Gracie’s daddy now wanted to eat her!! So, we retreated to my bedroom, which we realized wasn’t nearly as safe as we had originally believed. Within seconds he was in the room…growling and coming towards us…
It was at this moment that I thought I had lost my baby forever! Daddy Bear snatched her up and started taking HUGE bites. From her piggies, her elbows and her neck! I thought for sure she was a goner! But, then…I am not sure what happened… But Daddy Bear turned back into just Daddy… and then Mommy started the transformation to Mommy Bear! YIKES!
Did I mention I was exhausted? Cleaning the house and fending off bears are no easy tasks. I was beat. But I had to eat my kid. I had to. So, I went in for the BIG bite… and I only got a few nibbles in before Daddy, her knight in shining armor, saved the princess! PHEW!
I retreated to my freshly dried laundry pile, still warm. And folded and folded. As I was delivering folded laundry to the tenants’ bedrooms, I saw my little girl, playing barbies, quietly by herself. I watched for a few minutes. I love watching my children’s imaginations grow and become something magical. And then I heard the sweetest little voice, “Mommy, want to play with me?” I quickly grabbed a princess and before I knew it, we were off in some fairytale land, playing with princesses and magical {friendly} bears.
I heard the shutter from my camera snapping away. My husband, knowing how much capturing our day to day life means to me, put me on the other side of the camera. My first thought was… “UGH. I look horrible. I am sick, I have been cleaning…{and fighting off herds of bears}…and I am just a wreck. Now is not a good time for pictures.” But, I loved that he was capturing this moment. For me. And for Gracie. So, instead of hiding and telling him to stop, I went about my day as a Rock Star Princess Momma…who clearly needs to take her Princesses to school…because we are late…we are ALWAYS late!
Gracie and I played until the wash machine buzzer went off. I think there is still plenty of plot line left…and we will resume our story another time!
After the 17th load of laundry today, I decided to check out the images that Brody took of us. And, while I might look disheveled, all I see is imagination, fun, and a special memory of a great day! Thank you Brody for capturing this moment, so perfectly! <3

Laundry, Bears & Barbies | Tacoma Family Photography
Photo Credit : Brody Binder
Tacoma Birth Photography & Tacoma Family Photography! Are you looking for a Birth Photographer or Family Photographer in the Tacoma, Seattle, Auburn and surrounding areas? KaetheJo Binder Photography offers Birth Photography and Family Lifestyle Storytelling Sessions both in-home and on location in Tacoma Washington and surrounding cities. For more information please click the contact tab above or email me at hello@tacomabirthphotographer.com! I look forward to documenting YOUR Birth & Family Story!
www.tacomabirthphotographer.com | www.kaethejo.com | www.tacomafamilyphotographer.com